Friday, December 7, 2012

Bulgarian Culture "Name day"

Yesterday Zaharina called me and invited us to come over to celebrate name day with Nicole.  I honestly had no idea what she was talking about and told her I didn't see how I could make it.
We had spirit night at Fuddruckers and basketball practice.
She insisted and said all Nicole wanted was for Matias to join her.
So we ended up skipping out on B-ball and I'm so glad we did because I had a great time with Zaharina and Adrian and their parents, and the kids had a blast playing as well.
Name day refers to a religious belief celebrating the "Saint Nicolas".   So all names that stem from Saint Nicolas celebrate on this day by eating fish and drinking a lot.
Here's to my NICO!!

Catfish and Vegetables
it was delicious

Mati's first time on ice-skates
with Adrian and Nicole

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