Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nico - Fugiwara Argentina

I imagine some of you are curious to exactly what Nico is doing here in Buenos Aires.
So I will attempt to explain his new job.
Fugiwara is a Brasilian company specializing in Security shoes. Jorge and his partner Guillermo created a company called Fugiwara Argentina. They import Fugiwara shoes and distribute them to wholesalers here in Buenos Aires. Selling around 3000 pairs a month. Jorge and Guillermo both have full time jobs thus Fugiwara Argentina was in need of a Head Honcho, that's where Nico comes in. He is the General Mangager for Fugiwara, under his father and Guillermo.

There are 4 others who work in the office helping with operations. Nico didn't like his desk being right in the middle of them so he cleared out and made himself a private office from a little room off the kitchen

Nico's office

Jorge's office

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