Saturday, February 5, 2011

Summer Vacation -2

Pili is petrified of animals (very much like her mother) but she saddled up with no problem at all :)

I didn't want to miss out seeing the home of a recently deceased Indian woman so I hid my fear and made buddies with Morenita and fortunately had a nice ride through the valley.

NAPS- we got one every day

A full moon-
Jorge and Nico were inspired to pull out THE telescope (a christmas gift for Mati from the two of them) I agree; THEY ARE NUTS!!


Speaking of fish check out this fishbone that got stuck in the side of Nico's throat. Florencia had to pull it out with tweezers. ay ay ay

1 comment:

Nielsen Family News said...

Sounds like so much fun- a summer vacation sounds great right about now- we are just recovering from a blizzard and 20+ inches of snow!!