Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Plaza de Devoto

Plaza de Devoto is our neighborhood park. Hardly comparable to Central Park in terms of size and beauty but we find it almost as entertaining. Carousel, tight rope walker, guitarist, skateboarders, cyclist, dogs, pigeons, puppet shows, hotdogs, etc. Definitely some similarities.
Today I witnessed a pigeon under the wheel of a battery operated four-wheeler driven by a 3 year old. Pili had gathered the pigeons (and 3 parrots) on the sidewalk and left no room for bypassers and this 3 year old wasn't slowing down. I looked the other way but turned back around to soon to observe a pigeon fighting for his life. He survied just left a few feathers behind. I was grossed out.
Photos under Web albums. (no not of the strangled pigieon)

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