Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Veg week 3 and 4

Week 3.
I've still been sick.   I can't seem to get over whatever it is I have.  I've had this cough now for a solid week and just week and loss of appetite.  However, I am still going strong.  I've been painting and  working out, and going to parties and what night.  At the end of the day though I just don't feel 100%  especially with this cough and sore throat.
I've still been super healthy.  I haven't had any desire to have any meat at all.  I bought some fresh yogurt at the Farmer's market which was a great treat!  I also bought feta cheese but haven't had any yet.
FARMER'S market was fabulous I will definitely start buying all my veggie's, meat, and cheese there.  The Bread was good too but I am going to start baking my own.
I've lost 9 pounds since I cut meat and dairy out of my diet.
This was not my idea.  I actually have been working all  year to put 10 pounds on and was finally able to do it.
I don't know whether to blame it on my new healthy diet or this plague that's been hanging over me the last 3 weeks.  I'm assuming both are contributing and I am hopeful as soon as I am feeling better to put back on some weight.  It will probably be hard to get back to 130.  I was 130 when I started now I am 121 which is the minimal weight for me before I am labeled "unhealthy" lol
So anyways there is week 3.
I'm still discovering lots of wonderful foods like Coconut oil/ spread and Amaranth! And health benefits of Magnesium and I'm looking forward to trying tart cherry juice!

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