Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nico's new obsession

Saturday morning as soon as the kids were up, Nico had them dressed and out the door on a hunt for a queen ant. Mabel bought this mini ant farm for Mati for his birthday and Nico seriously can't get enough. He sits with a flashlight for hours watching the ants work. The ants have become his buddies, they go everyone with him; the table, the sofa, the terrace, I will not allow them in the bed!
I'm glad he has found a new hobby because the bonsai weren't working out so well.

I wish I could become obssesed with cute hair-dos for Pili. I still am trying but it takes all I've got to get three pigtails in and then look at the part!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Yeah, Taylor wanted a bonsai tree for like 5 years (I never knew this) and when he finally got one it died pretty quick. Funny. Nico the ant scientist. Sahweet.