Thursday, August 19, 2010


Dialogue yesterday

Pili- Mati hit me
Ke-Kee- Mati say your sorry
Pili- Sorry Mati
Mati- Sor-RY
Pili- Give me a kiss
Mati- I already gave you a kiss
Pili- give me another one

The last few days Pili has been constantly saying Ke-kee sabes que? You know what? and then she goes into a story that I can partly make out. Today it was something about Mati hitting her in the eye; I can't believe everything she says.
Pili loves to instigate a fight and she is always pretending to be mad, she seriously loves the drama, she puckers up her lips and wears her angry eyebrows perpetually. Oh but she can't hold it long before she starts smiling. However, she quickly reverts right back to her I'm so tough face.

These pictures do not portray my post well just wanted to ensure you they have their happy moments too. I will have to try to capture the POUTY PILI, it shouldn't be hard so stay tuned.

That was quick! Here you have it...

1 comment:

Daphne said...

¡estan preciosos!